********************** ** ZAngband 2.6.2 ** ********************** Maintained by the ZAngband DevTeam Compiled for OS/2 by Skylar Thompson Note: Due to the large amount of space saved by the highly efficient Burrows-Wheller block sorting text compression algorithim and Huffman coding, I have compressed the PernAngband 5.0.0 archive with bzip2. If you have not yet given up on the primitive LZ78- or LZ78 compressors, I hope this will help you make the switch. You can e-mail me for a copy, or you can compile it yourself from source (I will be happy to provide it, or you can find it on the web), or you can download a precompiled release from http://www.os2bbs.com/Download/gnu.html. * This game was compiled using GNU Make version 3.76.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath and Compiled with gcc v 2.8.1 under OS/2 Warp v3.