A brief introduction to Tangband: Team Angband takes the vanilla angband we all know and love and sends it into a new and exciting direction, that of the adventuring "party" crawling through dungeons instead of individual heroes. While controlling a single character in the Pits of Angband is certainly fun, controlling multiple characters will greatly add to the gaming experience. Tangband 0.3.0, unfortunately, does not express the full potential of Tangband. In fact, I am slightly afraid of releasing it, and discouraging people from playing it. Presently, it is chock full of bugs, and is fairly awkward to use. It doesn't even have a functional save function yet. Obviously, actually playing this as a game is impossible. The only reason I am releasing it is to give people a taste of what is to come... to whet their appetites for more, basically. :) Using Tangband 0.3.0 is fairly simple. Firstly, download it, stick it in a directory, and compile it. Note that no libraries are included; you should edit config.h to point to whatever libraries you normally use. Don't worry; except for the save file, it won't do anything to mungle them. Yes, that's right, any save files you currently have you should back up and push to the side; Tangband 0.3.0 simply will not run if it finds a save file, and I'd hate to think what it would do to your save file even if it did. Since you're starting without a savefile, you'll be prompted to make 4 characters. You can either make them by hand the old fashioned way, or you can choose "quick-start" which will roll up four random characters for you. Since you can't save the game, there's no point in making good characters; I recommend using the quick-start :) Now you're in the game. You'll notice that your control cycles from player to player. This can get annoying; an effective solution when you want to focus on just one character is to tell the others to go to sleep. Just "R1000" on the other three. When your fourth character is done with his business, hit KTRL-D; this will 'D'isturb all of the other characters, wakign them up and allowing you to get back to business. Now go down into the dungeon, and have some fun ganging up on poor helpless monsters. Beware, though; the death of any one character will terminate the game. (Don't worry; *real* versions of Tangband won't do this to you :) Note that the monsters are somewhat smart: they will go after the character nearest them, rather than doing something stupid like always chasing character #1. However, flow_by_smell is disabled, so don't expect any brilliance from the monsters... at least, not yet ;-> Anyway, give it a whirl, see what sorts of bugs you can find, and let me know what you think. You can email me at u1006057@warwick.net ; krpeters@warwick.net might work too :) Oh, right, I wanted to let you all know what the future for Tangband holds: 1) An adventurer's guild, where new characters can be hired to replace dead or retired (sucky) characters 2) 'L'eader and 'N'ap functions, which massively improve the team handling interface: In 'L'eader mode, the other characters will turn into docile pets that can be lead around easily until danger arrives; in 'N'ap mode, the other characters will go to sleep while the focus character takes care of some business. 3) Improved monster intelligence, capable of hunting out weaker players, teaming up to avoid getting slaughtered, and other nastiness 4) Improved mage and priest spellcasting, allowing spellcasters to cast defensive and other helpful magics upon the other team members: Yes, that means Warriors walking around with Globe of Invulnerability ;-> 5) Difficulty levels: Obviously, having four characters instead of one makes the game a lot easier. Future versions will allow you to choose how to counter this imbalance, such as through greatly increasing the number of monsters per level, increasing their HP's and other stats, or decreasing the depth which nasty buggers appear. 6) Active and inactive characters: Why limit yourself to four characters? Instead, you'll be able to have 24 or so stashed away in an inn, which you can pick and choose among to outfit any particular exploration into the dungeon. I may even implement a method to allow players to email their teammembers to one another, allowing you to give or trade characters to/with one another. 7) Increased class differentiation: Since mages will no longer have to march into hand-to-hand combat, there's no reason to give them nastier magic attacks, while simultaneously crippling their physical combat abilities even further... And that's just the ideas I've come up with so far :) Karl