ZAngband a2.2.6 -- another enhanced version of ZAngband. Files in this source distribution: zangband-a226-src.tar.gz The source code in tar/gzip format. zangband-a226-src.txt You're reading it now. The changes from ZAngband 2.2.6 are: -Added a new Ironman option to always generate "arena" levels. -Added a new startup option that controls terrain streamer generation (is off by default!). -Added two new "munchkin" startup options: one allows Mindcrafters to get Dimension Door, and another turns the death save off (in a way). Neither affects scoring, but both are displayed on character dumps. -Added a new Ironman option to always generate very unusual rooms. (This corresponds to the "evil.patch".) -Fiddled a little with the TY_CURSE code (to prevent paralyze/Cyberdemon as result of certain things). -The "vanilla town" option is now on by default. -Added these bug-fixes from ZAngband 2.2.6c: -*Really* fixed the bug that could cause crashs when finishing a random quest. -Several changes to the 'Old Castle' quest. Replaced the "unknown grids" with normal floor. Fixed a bug that placed Mother Hydra instead of Death Knights. The reward is now correctly placed in front of the inn. You will now fail the quest when leaving without completing it first. -Fixed a bug that caused beam spells to do double damage at the end of the beam. -Orc and Troll pits will no longer contain undead trolls or orcs. -The casino will throw you out if you don't have money. -Fixed a glitch in the description of the snotlings. -Added Eric Bock's wizard allocation patch. -Adapted Eric Bock's player centering scroll patch. -- Prfnoff (ivnert to reply)